Integrate with HubSpot

ConvertCalculator is a powerful tool for capturing leads. But what do you do after lead generation? You could follow up from your mailbox, but what if you have a sales team? Or do you want to give your sales process a little bit more structure? Then you need a CRM. Like HubSpot's CRM solution.

Connect your HubSpot Account

NB. First of all, make sure you have a HubSpot account for your business, and also make sure your user profile has the appropriate rights in the HubSpot account to manage integrations.

You can connect your Hubspot Account in the settings/connections page on your workspace. There you find a "Connect" button next to Hubspot. Click the link, log in, and select the Google account you want to connect with.

Sync your fields

The option to send data is available under a button or a link. When you select the button/link, the edit panel appears. In the panel, you can add the action flow "Send data to a Hubspot". Now, a new panel appears where you can map your fields when your Hubspot account is successfully connected.

It's possible to create or update Contacts (update matched on email), create or update Companies (update matched on company name), and create Deals.

After you've selected your calculator element, select the property you want to sync it to in HubSpot. Repeat this process for all fields you want to sync.

That's it! When a user submits a calculator via the button, data is synced to HubSpot. Now you can follow up leads with HubSpot CRM from the generated leads you captured through ConvertCalculator's lead generation calculator form.

How to connect each calculator element with HubSpot

Field type ConvertCalculatorField type HubspotNotes
NumberNumberIf you add a number field with currency prefixes as “$” you will need to select Single-line text
Multiple choiceMulti-line text
Multiple selectionMulti-line text
DropdownMulti-line text
Button groupMulti-line text
TableN.a.It is not possible to connect the “Table formula” with HubSpot, but you can connect the Variables, Formulas or elements you applied on tables cells, separately
Yes/No SwitchSingle-line text
Yes/No CheckboxSingle-line text
EmailSingle-line text
PhoneSingle-line text
Order ListSingle-line text
PlaceSingle-line text
PlacesSingle-line text
DateSingle-line text
DatesSingle-line text
TimeSingle-line text
FileN.a.It is not possible to upload files into HubSpot. You are able to receive files only via submission emails.
SignatureN.a.It is not possible to upload signatures into HubSpot. You are able to receive signatures only via submission emails.
CouponSingle-line text

How to create new properties (columns)

HubSpot provides a lot of properties, but if you can not find the one you want. You can create new columns or edit properties for each contact, deal, company, etc. When you are on your desired page in your Hubspot account (ex., Contacts), you can click on "Table actions"-"Edit Columns"-" Create a property".

Export view in Hubspot
Create property in Hubspot
Edit property in Hubspot

Pro Tips

Sync to multiple objects

You can sync to contacts, companies, and/or deals. If you sync properties to an object, it's created. If you do not, it will not be created, simple as that. If you decide to create, for example, a contact and a deal, the objects will be linked in HubSpot automatically.

Create variables for syncing

If you want to display formulas with prefixes and postfixes, you should create and use variables to sync the raw numbers. There are also other use cases: such as syncing static variables or making variables specifically for the integration.

Add HubSpot Event Tracking

If you use HubSpot's Event Tracking, you can connect the gathered data automatically by toggling on the option "Track external events" in the general settings tab of your calculator.

Inspect why HubSpot is not syncing

There can exist scenarios where syncing doesn't work. This happens if certain field types are not accepted in HubSpot. You can inspect any errors by navigating to the submissions dashboard (navigate to results/submissions in your calculator), and on the submission, click the ⚡ icon.

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